Are you ready to step into your spiritual gifts?


Be Initiated into the ancient mystery school facilitated by Soul catalyst, Spiritual Mentor, Medium, Healer and Gift Activator, Tina O.


Are you ready to make a difference? 

Are you the Seer, the Healer, the Mystic, or the Priestess?

Your Soul is being called to rise to the challenge.

Your soul is being called forward, called to rise up and know your gifts.

What is Ieria? 


Ieria is the Sacred within us all and the highest aspect of us, it is also the Greek word for Holy Priestess.   

Ieria is the one who comes in when everything and everyone else has gone and the one who calls us to rise to our best. She is the one who asks us to give ourselves permission to just be, to explore our gifts, to go into our darkness, to embrace our light and not to be afraid to shine at our highest calling. She asks us to love ourselves so fiercely that anything that doesn’t match that vibration will simply fall away.  


She is calling us to be Seen.

The Ieria Mystery School is an immersive 12 month journey for women ready to embrace their gifts and step up into the world doing the work they came here to do. The journey is presented in 4 pillars: The Seer, The Healer, The Mystic, and The Priestess.

In the Ieria Mystery School you will be initiated into transmissions from your spiritual guidance team, you will learn sacred practices of invocation, seership, channeling and healing, rituals and a deep knowing of self. Most of all it will be a deep inner work journey that will expand you into the potential of a new career and most certainly a new experience of life.  

This is a life changing experience for you if you are ready to:


+ Transform your inner landscape 

+  Discover where you are blocked and learn how to shift energy

+  Step up into your gifts and find out how to be of service with them in the world

+  Explore the mysteries of spirit, soul and energy.

+  Have a fulfilling career that makes your heart sing

+  Live your purpose everyday by changing the world with your gifts

+  Change your perspective and find the light in life again

+  Be pushed out of your comfort zone where the real growth really happens

+  Break through limiting beliefs and old paradigms 

+  Embrace a world where you don’t have to try to fit in

Are you ready to be seen for who you really are?

Hi love, I’m Tina O,

I’m a Soul Catalyst, Spiritual Mentor, Medium, Healer and Gift Activator. For over 30 years I have been dedicated to bringing the messages of spirit through for the healing and wellbeing of others.

I am so passionate about this ancient craft and truly believe the ways of intuition, energy and spirit are paramount to a healthy society. 

The Ieria Mystery School is the life I’ve led. It was something I longed for when I was coming into my gifts, wishing I had someone that was able to show me the way that felt safe and real. I believe it is vital for those who feel called to the healing, psychic and energetic arts to have a place, a safe sanctuary, where they can practice, learn and develop their innate gifts and abilities.

This Mystery School offers a culmination of all the knowledge, wisdom and education that I have gained during my Earth school years and from my myriad of Spirit teachers. My life drastically changed when I surrendered to the abundance my gifts had to offer and I truly believe that creating a path for others to follow, and feel held, is part of my Souls mission.  

Our world as we’ve known it is changing. We are being called to evolve along with her. This path is for those ready to step up and into their gifts, raising their vibration and are ready to be in service to their Souls purpose.




What you will receive:

12 Months of immersive mentoring

12 Modules per each pillar digital program- The Seer, The Healer, The Mystic, The Priestess

Video Tutorials and written resources

Inspiring and involved private Facebook group community

Weekly Live Masterclasses to keep you engaged and learning

4 x 3 Ieria Mystery School online & in person workshops, practitioner training

Ieria Mystery School Certification

Direct access to Tina O’s wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom

12 Months of Immersive Mentoring


Join us for 12 months of immersive mentoring where you will find out what your gifts and abilities truly are. Module learnings will be delivered as a digital program so you can learn from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are in the world. 


12 Modules per each of the four pillars digital program - The Seer, The Healer, The Mystic and The Priestess


Each week you will receive a video tutorial, to open up the week's learning topic along with masterclasses and written resources to read and to follow.


Inspired and involved private Facebook group community


You’ll join our private Facebook group where we get to journey together and share our experiences of discovering how our gifts reveal themselves throughout our time together. You’ll have direct access to more of Tina O’s energy, wisdom and guidance to keep you on track and it’s the perfect space to ask questions and bring up anything you want or need. 


Weekly Live Masterclasses to keep you engaged and learning


Live masterclasses will provide the space for you to learn and practice in a group environment. Here you can ask questions, share your experiences and receive the energetic transmissions from your teacher and mentor. If you can’t make the live class, not to worry, the replay will be available in our private Facebook group. There you can also post questions to be answered during the masterclasses.


4 x 3  Ieria Mystery School in person & online workshops + Practitioner Days 


At the conclusion of each pillar we will host a 3 day online & in person workshop to truly practice the craft and have you confident in accessing your abilities.  Practitioner days every 6 weeks. 


Ieria Mystery School Certification


By the end of the 12 months you will get a certificate of completion and feel fully qualified to start your work as a psychic or mediumship reader, a healer or to start facilitating your own circles, gatherings and events. Throughout the training Tina shares her knowledge of running a successful business with tips and tricks on how to create your own business in the spiritual industry. 

Client Love


“Tina’s spiritual mentoring has completely transformed the way I can connect, communicate and utilise my psychic and mediumship gifts. “

She opened up doors within me that have allowed me to deepen the work I do in the world as a shamanic practitioner and healer. Her gentle and broad approach to teaching this kind of work really fostered trust within our group and also trust in self. I’m so grateful I’ve found Tina and get to enjoy her energetic and spiritual medicine - it’s exactly what I was looking for. 




A truly magical teacher and Soul healer.”

I love being able to work on and travel to many different dimensions with Tina. My favorite classes have been shadow work and psychic development and Mediumship. Tina holds such high levels of ancient wisdom across many subjects, motherly love, meticulously energetic hygiene and I have always felt safe, nurtured and supported in all the work we have done together both in class and on a personal level.  




Here’s how it works

The teachings of Ieria Mystery School are delivered in 4 pillars over 12 months. Each pillar has an extensive curriculum of experiential learning. Tino O accommodates for all learning styles using video tutorials, written resources, live masterclasses, guided meditations and online immersive workshops.


Are you a Seer?

You are invited to use your gift of Seeing to open the door to spirit for yourself and others. 


Get ready to deep dive into a 12 week journey with Tina O. Sink into the sea of exploring the world of Mediumship. Discover the intricacies of all other types of readings, such as Soul, Psychic, Angelic and Ascendant Master readings. Explore different spiritual tools like scrying, oracle cards and pendulums.

Each week you will be given videos, a live Q&A masterclass and the opportunity to practice what you learn in groups. You receive a wealth of resources, including guest mediums, development training practices and so much more. At the conclusion of the 12 weeks we will host a 4 day online workshop to complete the integration of the pillar’s teachings. Also receive a private session with Tina O to complete your Seer education. Feel confident and be certified to start your new career and live the spirit-led life you love.

Yes you are a healer, darling

In these 12 weeks we are going to explore the world of healing through different healing modalities as well as helping you to find your own intuitive healing style. Explore the wounded healer, breathwork, aura clearing and psychic surgery. Dive into sound, spiritual, angelic and trance healing. Discover past life and group trance healing modalities. Working online in a dynamic group you will practice the healing arts together. Join us for the intensive 4 day online workshop at the conclusion and enjoy your private final mentoring and assessment session to conclude The Healer pillar.

If you are someone who communicates with animals, feels other people's emotions or pain or has even had your very own mystery illness that you healed from, The Healer will help you to understand how to broaden the scope of what you are capable of. Perhaps you have a feeling or memories from the ancient healing temples of Egypt, Greece, Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon or you may feel a connection to another star system. The shift that is happening in humanity is calling to you to do this work. You know that you are here to heal, and heal you will.  

Enter the realm of the mystic

In the next 12 weeks we will unfold the world of the Mystic with profound shifts in the world of energy awaiting you. Explore past lives in ancient civilisations including parallel and future life times. Discover your home planet, practice Soul Retrievals and bring all parts of you back home again. Journey into the Shadow so we can embrace the Light, understand the star races and learn about timeline jumping. 

You may be a Mystic and not even know it. You tend to see beyond the veil that separates worlds seeing different realities and the intricacies of the universe. Uncover channeling, dream work and astral travelling and truly embody the Mystic that you are. Everything is divinely led and you know that everything holds a spiritual meaning. Open up the portal to otherworldly experiences and harness this spiritual craft. 

The 4 day online immersive workshop and private mentoring and assessment session with Tina O will leave you with a solid foundation of knowing how to weave the mystic into your work, life and play.

Walk the way of the Priestess, a sword in one hand and heart in the other

The final pillar in the Ieria Mystery School leads you for 12 weeks to be walking the way of the Priestess. This is the culmination and integration of the Seer, the Healer and the Mystic. The Priestess modules step you into the shoes you were always meant to fill, whilst helping you to remember your soul song with ease and grace, claiming your divinity.  

Travel through the mysteries of Avalon, Egypt, Ancient Greece and Atlantis. Recall the Goddess within, remembering why you have been born into this incarnation. Weave spells, use voice as alchemy and be ceremonial in your work. As a Priestess you earn your right to fill those shoes because of the self work you have committed to. You see how magnificent your light is and how teaching your shadow side can be. You are a warrior, lover, alchemist, wise woman, sage, healer, mystic and a seer. You know how to embody everything - you are ready.   

Walk between the worlds with us, journey through interdimensional work and know how to revoke Soul contracts and clear entities. We’ll conclude with a 4 day immersive online workshop and a private mentoring session with assessment and your certification is complete.

If you are ready to begin your Soul work and access your Sacred Medicine book a clarity call with Tina O today.

The Investment


The 12 month Ieria Mystery School Journey

The Ieria Mystery School commences with the Seer Pillar and can be joined at any time as all classes are recorded.

The Ieria Mystery School 12 month journey is $7777 AUD on an upfront payment which includes all 4 Pillars and full certification.
For those wishing to go on a payment plan the cost is $185 AUD in weekly installments for 48 consecutive weeks - total $8880. 

To join for individual Pillars, the cost is $2222 per pillar, over 12 weeks.



Early Bird Special

The Early Bird Special Offer of $5555 AUD upfront payment, contact me to find out if you qualify. If you sign up By January 31st 2025. 



Individual Pillars

Individual Pillars are priced at $2222 AUD with an upfront payment or on a payment plan of $200 AUD per week for 12 consecutive weeks - total $2800

The Time is Now

Have you had enough of knowing you are here to do something big in this life, yet don’t know how or where to start?


Are you sick of hiding in the spiritual closet?

Are you seeing the radical shift in consciousness and just know the time is now?

When you know that your only option is to awaken, open and expand your gifts, then you have heard the whispers from Ieria. Mother Earth is calling us to rise up and to show up. Show up for yourself, for Spirit and for humanity - for the Sacred within us all.

We are going through unprecedented times and we are awakening en masse, what better time for the collective to open their energetic eyes and start the conscious shift into something new? As we are multidimensional beings we are beginning to remember what it’s like to be all encompassing in all ways. We are remembering our very own magic, our priestesshood, our witchiness, our divinity and our queendom. 

Training with Tina O will awaken your soul to higher paths of wisdom, it will push you out of your boundaries so you can truly show up in the world in all your Magic and Magnificence.

Ready to awaken your Soul's potential?

Yes! I’m ready, book me in for a clarity call with Tina

Client Love


“Tina’s classes are amazing”

So much to learn and her teachings are uncomplicated and easy to understand, highly recommended whether beginner or advanced.



“It is a safe and gentle environment and you are supported along the way” 

I found Tina to be the real deal. The tools she presents to you are straightforward yet extremely effective. I have received valuable techniques, especially how to protect myself, how to connect with my guides, and understand symbols and visions. It is a safe and gentle environment and you are supported along the way and no question is ever left unanswered. I am very honoured and blessed to have been taught by such an amazing teacher who takes her work very seriously. 



“She has propelled me forward to a place where I continuously heal” 

I've studied under Tina for many years now, attending her weekly circles, weekend seminars and many one on one tutoring sessions. The way she has guided me whilst allowing me to come to my own realisations of my potential for spiritual growth has propelled me forward to a place where I continuously heal and I've become the best healer I can be for my clients. If you really want to grow, learn and heal, then I would really recommend you attend Tina's courses and be prepared to be amazed in so many special ways.





If you are ready to begin your Sacred Soul work and find your Sacred Medicine book a clarity call with Tina O today



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