Can you hear the whispers of your Soul?

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2021

What is a Soul Reading and when do you need one?

Your Soul whispers all the time and sometimes we don’t hear it.  It whispers to us in so many ways, in the ways that we might feel something, when we go out to nature, when we hear something that resonates so deeply, whether that be a story, or a wake up call. When we know in our heart of hearts what is right. When we watch the story of our lives unfold before us in whatever way.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience and for some of us we have chosen the more difficult path of the lightworker, that is, knowing that we have a mission here on planet earth, yet for most of us we don’t know why we are here. We know we have gifts, we know that we are more sensitive than others, we get told things all the time by virtual strangers, yet we are not sure why, why did we come here?

Is it to get married, have children, work at a job we may or may not like and then retire at 65 and then play golf and somewhere in...

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The Empathā€™s Creed In Love

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2021

Aaaahhhh you’re in love….AND you’re an Empath…..Bless.

How did you find out you were first an Empath? Well you would be feeling EVERYTHING! You would feel the pain and the suffering, joy, lust, passion and everything else of others and not just people, but animals and plants too. The empath’s ability to feel becomes clairsentient. Their pain becomes your pain, their joy becomes your joy. The energetic boundaries bleed into each other.

You feel so much about the other person and you always look out for your other half’s point of view – yet your boundaries seem to get pushed each and every time. Why?

Because you get them. You understand where they are coming from, you know everything about them, you feel everything from the moment they get up, to the moment that they go to the loo, to the moment that they think about you, to the moment that they lie… And that hurts, it hurts when they decide that you are not the one. It hurts when...

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All Souls on Deck

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2021

When you look back on your life do you think ‘wooowwwweee what a ride I’ve had!’ or ‘Holy crap look at the sh*t I’ve gotten myself into’?


What if I was to say to you, it’s all been for you, not done to you? 

What if I was to say that all the experiences that we’ve had, the good, the bad and the ugly, (fill in the blanks) is all actually about your life’s purpose.   

Whyyyyyy do I hear you ask? Why me, why have all these experiences and let’s face it, some of us have had harder lives than others?   Why do peeps go through sexual trauma, domestic violence, bullying, emotional and mental health problems, the parents that we have chosen, narcissistic partners, the list goes on. All those experiences that lead us away from ourselves and Spirit, away from our very Soul.   Those circumstances have led us into a dark night of the soul, down a rabbit hole so deep even Alice couldn’t get...

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